Become Part of the Circle
Become a Heartland Certified Stay
Become a Heartland Certified Stay
Our site is dedicated to our members and their properties; providing valuable information and resources, a comprehensive property listing with direct booking capability, and a direct link to fellow members across the Heartland.
Stay INN the Heartland gift certificates, are redeemable only at member properties. Unlike most gift certificate programs, there is no fee to member properties for redeeming Stay INN the Heartland gift certificates. Other programs charge up to 20% of the gift certificate value for redemption.
Your inn is listed on Stay INN the Heartland's website, which is advertised on multiple online platforms ranging from social media to online magazines and Google. Stay INN the Heartland is considered a major authoritative incoming link to your properties website. Internet exposure provided by other for-profit sites typically costs much more than annual membership fees of Stay INN the Heartland.
Give added assurance to your guests that you adhere to high standards of lodging, hospitality, food service, and safety. It is our hope that the public will rely on Stay INN the Heartland properties to set the standard and provide an excellent guest experience. Each member property is encouraged to proudly display our 'Stamp' denoting them as a Heartland Certified STAY.
Each year there are opportunities to attend Regional (and sometimes national) conferences where you can find out the latest about innkeeping from leading national speakers in the industry. Network with your peers, visit with vendors and more. Each year our members are able to apply for a scholarship to attend the Association of Lodging Professionals (ALP) national conference.
The STAY+Learn Program is a professional development program within the Stay INN the Heartland organization that allows current member INN-keepers to visit current member Inns and learn about best practices of others in the industry firsthand and take that learned knowledge and insight back to their own business for application. As a member benefit - there is no cost to participate.
STAY Connected is a social event that provides an opportunity for our membership to gather together, socialize, perhaps over food & beverage... share ideas, challenges & opportunities resulting in a chance to grow in knowledge and friendship.
The 'Inner Circle' is a loyalty program for Stay Inn the Heartland members. We recognize that small independent properties may have a difficult time 'giving' monetary rewards for repeat guests. With that, Stay Inn the Heartland wants to promote repeat business for member properties and encourage guests to visit other member properties.
Stay INN the Heartland is dedicated entirely to the success of its members. All Stay INN the Heartland member dues and income from other sources is used to promote success of member properties. As a not-for-profit organization, all Stay INN the Heartland activities are organized around improving the small independent lodging industry and benefiting our members.
Stay INN the Heartland is an organization that wants high quality, exclusive, and safe properties for guests.
Get a jump start on the process by reviewing our guidelines.